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C Programming Book



  1. Database Management System?
  2. Comparison bet. DBMS & Conventional System
  3. Importance of Database and DBMS
  4. Database System Environment 
  5. Functions of DBMS                            
  6. Diagram showing difference between database And conventional file  system           
  7. Data model & its categories.     
  8. The Entity-Relationship (ER) model
  9. Advantages and disadvantages of ER model
  10. The Object Oriented (OO) model
  11. Advantages and disadvantages of OO model
  12. Diagram showing comparison between OO data Model and ER model
  13. The Relational Model                                             
  14. Advantages and disadvantages of Relational model
  15. The Network model                         
  16. The hierarchical model                                         
  17. Degree of abstraction or ANSI/SPARC data model
  18. The Conceptual Data Model      
  19. Internal Data Model Vs. External Data Model
  20. The Physical Data Model              
  21. Abstract View of Data                                             
  22. Database Administrator                                         
  23. Data Integrity        

    Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity       

  24. When to enable referential integrity?
  25. Insert and Delete rules for Referential Integrity

    Insert Rules, Delete rules

  26. Domain Rules for Referential Integrity
  27. Primary key and foreign key domains
  28. Primary key attributes                                           
  29. Composite key, Artificial key and Foreign key

    Composite key,  Artificial key, Foreign key

  30. Codd’s 12 rules for Relational Database
  31. The Schema and Sub-Schema    
  32. Functional Dependencies            
  33. Normalization: First, Second, Third, Advanced, Boyce-Codd, Fourth, Fifth
  34. Example on Normalization          
  35. Steps in Normalization                                           
  36. Benefits of RDBMS                            
  37. Oracle-SQL

  38. History of Oracle                                
  39. New features in Oracle 10g        
  40. Starting Oracle 9i                               
  41. What is SQL?                                                                 
  42. SQL * Plus                                                                       
  43. Data types in SQL                               
  44. SQL Operators                                                              
  45. Create command                               
  46. Creating table from another table
  47. Alter Table command                                             
  48. Drop Table command                                             
  49. Insert command                                 
  50. Inserting into multiple tables   
  51. Update, Delete command                                   
  52. Select command                                
  53. Exercise on select command     
  54. Commit command                            
  55. Savepoint, Rollback command                         
  56. Example on Savepoint and Rollback
  57. Grant and Revoke command     
  58. Single value functions (numeric) & their

    examples: Abs, Ceil, Floor, Mod, Power,
    Round, Trunc, Sign, Sqrt

  59. Character functions (character) & their examples : Ascii, Chr, Initcap, Instr,  Length, Lower, Lpad, Ltrim, Rpad, Rtrim, Soundex, Substr, Upper, Translate
  60. Date Functions & their examples

    Add_month, Last_day
    Months_between, Next_day

  61. Miscellaneous functions with example

    Decode, Greatest, Least, Nvl

  62. Group value functions ( Aggregate Functions)

    Max, Sum, Count, Avg, Stddev

  63. Group By, Having, and Order By clause
  64. Creating View                                                               
  65. Joins:  Natural, Cross, Outer, Full Outer
  66. Hierarchical queries / tree structure
  67. Integrity Constraints    

    Domain, Key, Primary, Unique, foreign    

  68. Enabling and disabling a constraint
  69. Answers to frequently asked queries in Examination 
  70. PL/SQL

  71. What is Pl/SQL?                                                           
  72. Data types in PL/SQL                                               
  73. Variable and constant declaration in PL/SQL
  74. Control structures: if, while, for, loop, goto
  75. Cursor: Opening, Fetching, Closing
  76. Cursor attributes                                
  77. Examples 1…7  on cursor                                     
  78. Cursor variable                                                            
  79. Exceptions                                                                      
  80. Large Objects                                                                
  81. Collections in PL/SQL                                              
  82. Example on varray                             
  83. Record in PL/SQL                               
  84. Subprograms                                                                 
  85. Procedures                                                                     
  86. Examples 1…10  on procedure
  87. Functions                                                 
  88. Examples on function                                              
  89.  Overloading in PL/SQL                                          
  90. Example on function overloading
  91. Recursion in PL/SQL                         
  92. Example on Recursion                                            
  93. Packages                                                   
  94. Advantages of Packages                                         
  95. Sample structure of Package     
  96. Triggers, Types of Triggers                                    
  97. Examples 1…6 on trigger                                      
  98. Transactions & its properties    

    Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

  99. Indexes: Unique, composite, Reverse, bitmap 
  100. Clustering                                                                        
  101. Creating Users                                                              
  102. Altering Users                                                               
  103. Dropping Users                                                            
  104. Architecture of Oracle                                           
  105. Details of Oracle Architecture  
  106. Oracle Handling Files                                              
  107. Table space                                                                    
  108. Table Space Allocation                                           

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